Sunday, June 19, 2011

Start seeds Indoors to get a head start and save time and money!!

If you want to grow your own plants you can start most of them from seed and most are very easy. First you will decide what you will be growing,there are thousands of different plants out there and selecting the right ones to start with will save you a lot of frustration. Start with easy ones after you have got the hang of caring for your plants you will be able to care for plants that need a bit more attending to. The seed you select will depend on how you start so make sure to follow any special directions but for the most part it will be very basic. Plants need three basic elements to thrive water,light and air, but seeds are just a bit different. Most seeds will need more humidity then will be available and in some cases will require that you soak in water overnight or even in the fridge for a few days prior to planting. For example we are going to start a packet of tomato seeds that we got for one dollar.Tomato seeds will germinate best in a humidity dome or greenhouse type environment. Jiffy makes a seed starting kit that works very well it even comes with the seed starting pellets and makes everything even easier. If you are on a tighter budget you can make a makeshift humidity dome out of a cake container or something similar and just get a seed starting potting soil mix and a few of those little plastic containers or even a few egg cartons. Now your ready to start your seeds. If you are using the jiffy open the package and add enough water for the size of kit you have. Make sure to use water that is about room temperature if the water is too hot you will kill your seeds! Once the pellets swell up they are ready to have the seeds placed in them. Put the dome on and you are set. If you are using your own dome basically the same except you are not waiting for the pellets to expand. After everything is planted and your dome is on you will just need to place the dome in soft light not in direct sunlight because its to hot. A small florescent works best. Leave the light on 24 hours a day and in about a week you should see them sprout after that in another week or so you will be able to remove the dome completely. Once seeds reach maturity you will be able to plant them straight into your garden or into larger container if garden is not an option at this time. Its as easy as that! Your very own tomatoes and at a fraction of the cost and much healthier. Happy Growing!!


  1. What about flowers? can i just plant the seeds or should i germinate them like the veggie seeds?

  2. well it depends on the type of seed some flowers like morning glory seeds are best germinated soaking in water for 24 hours before planting but most seeds are very easy just check to see what special instructions are on the package of seeds
